Why does a person commit a crime? How does a society even decide what actions are classified as “criminal”? What happens if you get arrested while abroad? This course will seek to answer these compelling questions along with many others as we study crime, causes of criminal behavior, and criminal justice processes.
Criminology focuses on several aspects of the criminal justice system, beginning with an exploration of the purpose and origins of law along with examination of crime data and research methods. Students will explore theories that attempt to explain criminal behavior, apply their learning to scenarios and real-life criminals, and evaluate the efficacy of the criminal justice system in the United States and internationally.
Lively discussions include topics such as potential careers in criminology, the death penalty, the purposes of incarceration, and cybercrimes. In addition to the discussions, a variety of assessments include a group project to develop an effective policy that is constitutional, a book/movie project, an evaluation of a serial killer, and a final project that incorporates recommendations for preventing crime and recommending post-criminal activities.