In this introductory course, students will learn some basic language skills and be introduced to both contemporary and historical German culture. The fifteen weeks of instruction will balance language and culture. Students will use Powerpoint presentations, voice recordings, authentic German websites, German songs, videos and snapshots from the German-speaking world, radio broadcasts, and newspaper/magazine articles to support their learning.
Students can look forward to the following topics: greetings and good-byes; the alphabet and pronunciations; describing themselves, friends, and family members; numbers and counting; telling time; German pronouns and articles; asking and answering basic questions; describing the seasons and weather; describing home; expressing interests and hobbies; talking about food, books, movies, music, and shopping; recognizing basic rules of German word order.
Right alongside these language components, students will also: learn about German geography; learn about famous Germans throughout history; look into contemporary German family life; explore German holidays and celebrations; look into German city life and country life; plan a virtual trip to a city in the German-speaking world; learn about establishments such as restaurants, cafés, museums, and train stations; gain exposure to German music; increase knowledge of fairy tales; and take a look into modern German history.
Course Objectives
- To introduce students to German culture, traditions, and people.
- To introduce basic survival German.
- To involve and interest students, as well as provide a frame of reference for German I course.
German culture and people: most emphasis. Speaking and reading survival German: most emphasis. Listening to and writing survival German: some emphasis.
Additional Requirements
- Access to special characters specific to the language, including ä, ö, ü, ß
- Access to a device with headphone, microphone, and camera.
- Students will be expected to record and upload videos of themselves speaking in target language in order to exhibit proficiency in the speaking domain using a video tool within the course platform.
World Language
High School Standard
High School
9, 10, 11, 12, 13
When Offered:
Lab Kit Purchase Required:
Certified by NCAA for initial-eligibility (VHS Learning School Code:221356), Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges